
Thursday 4 August 2011

Juice Fast Progress For Day 24

Hello, Tim here with my Day 24 update on my juice fast. For those not following along, I have been doing this now, for, this is Day 24. I have been surviving on a diet of juice only, vegetable juice and fruit juice. I have been doing that now, as I said, this is Day 24.

Since yesterday I have lost .7 of a kilogram. Quite a nice weight loss. Quite happy with that. It's about 1.5 pounds. So overall now since I started my juice fast I am now 11.9 kg lighter than when I started, which is about 26 and 1/4 pounds.

So I am pretty happy, becuse my original goal was to lose 32 kilos in the 56 days, which is about 70 pounds. So another 8 and 3/4 pounds and I'm going to be halfway. So I am feeling pretty fantastic overall about the progress I'm making.

I still feel very much in control. It is interesting that the further I get through this juice fast, the less hungry I am getting. In the morning I am still not getting hungry. Now, I actually want to be hungry, because I think that's a good sign, to be hungry, generally, after not having eaten for so long. But at lunch time, and it's now, I'm doing this about midday.. before I started my juice fast I would have been really hungry. I would really have wanted to eat something right now.

But I'm thinking, well, it's not really a problem. So it tends to get to 1:00 or 1:30, and then I'll just decide I might go and get a juice.

In the evenings I'm finding it's after 7, 7:30. In our family we normally sit down to a meal early. We are normally like, 5pm type family. And in the past I have thought, 3:30, 4pm, I have thought wow, I'm getting hungry. And it has sort of being can I get to 5 o'clock. But now it gets to 6:30, 7:00 and even then I have not got those feelings of hunger which I had early on. When I say early on, I mean before I started to juice fast.

So what I am finding is there are two different types of hunger. There's the emotional hunger, that you get from cravings of sweet foods, or foods that are bad for you (I say sweet foods, because that was my addiction), but then there's real hunger. And I am now recognizing that they are different. So, that guys is pretty motivating! So I hope you're getting motivated because I'm sure you're going to see similar results that I'm getting.

Just the fact that you're so much in control of what you're eating, and losing weight. In case you haven't caught up on this, I have lost weight every single one of those 23 days since I started this diet.

The most I've lost was about 1.6 kilos, which was Day 1, which was about, I think that's over 3 pounds, 3.5 pounds maybe. And the smallest amount was .1, which was virtually 1/10th of a pound or something.

Nevertheless, overall, for the entire period of time I have lost weight every day. And let's face it, if you are like me and you are overweight, you have tried many diets in the past, how many have you tried where you have lost weight every day? Now, to give you a sample of what I used to do, I would find that I would lose weight for the first two or three days. Maybe up to the first seven days. And then after that I would hit a plateau where my weight would stabilize. So I wasn't gaining or losing weight. Or worse I would start gaining a little bit. And it was so frustrating for me, trying to do without all these other types of foods, and thinking, Oh, I really want to have cake, chocolate or icecream, and thinking well, look, I'm doing without that, and I'm not losing weight?! And that was so frustrating. Because I thought, if I can do without this food, I should be able to lose weight. It just wasn't happening.

So, the fact that I have now gone 23 days, losing weight every single day, tells me just how right this is for me, how right this juice fast is. It's also got me thinking about what I'm going to do in the future. Because obviously after Day 56, I have to come off this juice fast, and go back to a "normal" type lifestyle.

Now, will I become a vegetarian? That's open for discussion now, and I wouldn't have thought that was somethign that I would even consider, just 24 days ago. Because I've always been a meat type person. "Gotta have my meats!"

But, now, I'm thinking that's a real possibility! Or, will I just go back to like, a person that has 3 meals a day, but my portions are going to be much smaller, and I'm going to be more focused on what I'm having, in terms of what I'm eating. So, it might be a bit of meat, but also vegetables, fruits and those types of things.

So, it's now coming to me, I'm now starting to think, well I've got to start planning what's going to happen in the future. And I need to be thinking of that, and not just getting to Day 56, and what am I going to do?

So that's something for you guys as well, even though you might be just starting this, and you might have a long time before you get to that, do start thinking about what your transition off the juice fast is going to be. You don't want to leave it to the last day, and then think, Oh, what am I going to do? And then get tempted by food getting eaten right in front of you. Ideally what you want to be doing is planning. And certainly what I will be doing is making sure I've got the food I want to eat in my house, the day before I'm due to go off the diet. So when I finish, I have my last juice, I have got whatever I want to go onto next, ready to go.

So I am going to talk about that more as I get closer to the end of my 56 days, what that is going to be. Because at this stage I can't tell you, because I don't know for sure. But I am certainly going to explore options with that, anyway. It will also depend on how close I am to my weight.

Hopefully by then I will have lost all the weight, and I will be down to my 80 kilogram mark, which is what my goal was, that's minus 32 kilos. If I'm not quite there I will need to know what I'm going to do, and I will know that closer towards the time.

I really want to reinforce how important it is to have a goal though. If you're just doing this juice fast, and just saying, well, I'm just going to go on it for now, I think you're going to fail. I really think you need to set yourself a time, and say, right, I'm going to do this juice fast for 56 days, and/or until I lose x pounds / kilograms. I think if you go into it with an actual plan, it's just a lot easier.

Because the way I'm tracking now, I know this is Day 24. In 4 days I am halfway through my juice fast. And that's important to me because each week I've counted it down. I've counted it down on the videos - this is Day 7, I'm one week through. This is Day 14, Day 21 and so forth. I've had a countdown, something to look forward to. So the fact that in 4 days time I'm going to be halfway through this juice fast is a good feeling. Again, because I've got that plan.

So if you are doing this, even if at the start you didn't have a plan, but definitely if you haven't started, in either case it is still not too late to start, to create that plan.

You don't have to adopt the 56 days. You might decide to start off with 2 days, or 7 days, or whatever it is. I decided to make a radical decision to go for 56 days, 8 weeks, because I felt I had to. I was at the stage of being scared what was happening with my body, scared what was going to happen to me. So I felt impelled to do it. I had reached that level where I was ready to do it.

You may not be there. You might just want to put your toes in the water, so to speak. And there's nothing wrong with that. But set yourself a goal. Even if it is 24 hours, and count down the hours, instead of the day. I think that makes a big difference, and it is something you should be doing.

Alright, I'm going to leave it there. I'll come back tomorrow with Day 25, and talk about other really exciting topics that you just won't be able stand hearing! :-) Well, I hope you like hearing it actually.

I was going to talk about lemon and lime and grapefruit, and their benefits actually. If you watched the previous video, I mentioned that. I didn't get around to that, and I hope to do that tomorrow. But hang in there, if you were wanting to know what their benefits are. Just those three things are really worthwhile that you add to your diet.

Alright, time to finish Tim. I'll leave it there.

Talk to you tomorrow,


You can watch a high definition version of this Juice Fast here if you wish.

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