
Saturday 27 August 2011

Day 47 - Juicing For Weight Loss - Here's To Good Health!

Hi, Tim here with my Day 47 update.

My juice fasting updates continue, and still going well. I have lost today 0.4 kg, which is just under 1 pound. Total weight loss since I started, Day One, all those days ago, is 19.6 kilos, which I think is about 43 1/4 pounds.

So my current weight now is 91.8 kilos, and that is about 202 and 1/3 pounds.

I'm going to be quite happy actually when I get below the 200 pound mark. A bit of a barrier for me. The way things are going hopefully within the next 3 or 4 days or less I'm going to get through that barrier.

I've been thinking about why I haven't done this years ago. It is almost like there has been an unconscious barrier there, preventing me from doing this. Because, if I think about it, I think I've always known that, just by the information around the place, to a degree, that fruit and vegetables are very healthy for you. So, why have I pretty well avoided both of those types of food?

I've certainly had more fruits than vegetables. But with vegetables, very little vegetables in my entire adult life. I have skirted the issue, to a large degree, with previous diets and so forth. What I have looked for is a shortcut, to lose weight without having to eat fruit and vegetables!

It's almost been like a roadblock. I'm wondering whether you guys had a similar thing, before you decided to juice fast, or whatever you did to get to fitness. Or maybe you are there right now looking at these videos and you haven't started anything yet. Have you got a roadblock like I did, knowing that fruits and vegetables are healthy for you, but deciding not to partake of them?

Why do we eat junk food? Yes, there's an addictive nature, and I understand that. And I was addicted to sugar and the stuff, trans fats and all that other negative stuff in processed foods for many years. It is just interesting, isn't it?

What I am thinking it is, is it is relating to... I read somewhere there are four steps to becoming a really good 'something'. The first step is unconscious incompetence. And that is when you don't know what you don't know. In other words, you have got no idea.

So in this case, juicing for weight loss, for me, I was unconsciously incompetent. I didn't know what a juice fast was, or the benefits. So the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead woke me up from that. And I realized yes, this could be done. There is actually a way that's fairly easy to lose weight, that is straight forward, and will work.

The next step is conscious incompetence. And that is when you are actually aware that there is a way to lose weight, but you don't know how to go about it. So that's number two.

Step number 3 is conscious competence. And that's when you know how to do something, but it is hard to do. I think the analogy that I have seen there is tying your shoelaces. The first time, when you are a kid, your parents have to tie your shoelaces for you. Then you get to the stage where you are conscious of the shoelaces, that they are there and need to be tied, but you don't know how to do it.

Then there's a process of elimination. You know the first time you tied your shoelaces it was a really slow process. It took ages and you made lots of mistakes and the bows were really wide and bulky.

That's conscious competence. You can do it but it's a real hassle. It's really hard to do properly. You have got to be focused, is what I am trying to say.

And of course the last step is unconscious competence, and that is when you can do it without thinking. And that is obviously, if you are an adult, tying shoelaces, or even a kid after you have done it for a while, you do it unconsciously.

And it's interesting, yesterday when I went for a walk I actually watched myself tie my shoelaces, and I watched my hands going. And it was interesting how I'm not directing that. Unconsciously, that's happening.

But the point I'm making with these four steps, is that it is quite interesting, that has really been my weight loss journey. I was looking for a way that wasn't hard, so I wasn't even aware of juice fasting. So I was unconsciously incompetent. I didn't know anything about it. But work through those steps now, and I am up to step 3 now. Between steps 3 and 4 in that there's conscious competence. I know what I am doing and I am doing it every day. And I think I'm moving into juice fasting quite safely I say I am unconsciously competence, because I don't have to think about being on a juice fast. I'm on a juice fast and it is just happening. I go to the fridge and I get the ingredients.

Even things like putting the actual juicer together. I remember the first day I got it out, and I was going, Oh, how does this all work? Quite a hassle. Now it's all happening quite naturally.

So, yeah interesting isn't it. It just got me thinking about that. I think I have crossed the threshold now, with health and with eating. And that is why I am not going back to my old habits. I have got past that stage now. I now realize that fruits and vegetables are the key. I have learnt that. I have become consciously competent in that. What I need to move on to now is transfer from the juice fast, transitioning I'm talking about, from a juice fast back to normal eating, is I am going to have to learn how to do some cooking, learn how to do some preparing of fruits and vegetables so that I can eat those and get the right mix in my diet.

So, I am going to be - right at the moment when it comes to preparing any vegetables or fruit in any sort of cooked fashion at least, I am probably consciously incompetent. I know what needs to be done, but I have got no idea how to do it. So within the next 9 days, because there is only 9 days now until my juice fast finishes, I have got to be at least consciously competent. I have got to figure out how to do some basic cooking, how to put together some soups, legumes, nuts and those types of things, figure out how often I am going to have meat. Really get myself to the stage where I know what I'm doing.

Even though there's going to be a bit of a battle where I am - let's face it, the first time you cook a dish, if you haven't had much cooking experience, it's a bit of a trial isn't it.

I have cooked some basic stuff in the past, but nothing primarily vegetable or fruit based. So it is interesting I am going to have to go through that phase. And I can't see the possibility of stepping back into my old habits, because I just now know too much. I have been through this long journey, 47 days. I just can't see how I would go back, knowing what I know now, about the evils of sugar, the evils of trans fats, all that bad stuff, processed food in general, how bad it is for you. I can't see myself going back to it.

But with that said I have also got to make sure that I invest the time to learn this stuff, to move forward. So if you are starting, looking to starting a juice fast, do bear in mind that is normal to be floundering a little bit.

I certainly found that in the first few days. What sort of combinations? What sort of recipes? And I was trying to get all my dots lined up. You don't really need to do that. You need to basically just start. And the more you do it the better you are going to get at it. And I'm going to find that I am sure, with my transitioning from juicing back to eating again. It's going to be a slow process. And I am going to be learning more about it, and getting better at it, until in a relatively quick period of time I am going to become unconsciously competent.

I'm going to open the fridge and say, I've got these vegetables, I can make such and such a dish, and then bang, away we go.

So I just thought I wanted to share that with you, because it's something I have been thinking about, you know, firstly why I had let myself go for 30+ years of my adult life; and also how I now need to keep thinking of the right things to move on to the next phase, which of course is eating.

And what I have decided to do guys is I am going to keep the videos going. And I am going to try and do two things in the videos. Maybe show you some of my cooking - this is 9 days to go before I finish, of course, but; and certainly I will be talking about what I am learning, some sample dishes, what I am eating, and I will continue the weight loss. I'm not going to weigh myself every day. I am probably going to weigh myself once a week or thereabouts. But I certainly will be talking still about what I'm eating and what I'm feeling, and those types of things.

So, stay with me, if you are here trying to get through a juice fast yourself. You are going to have a full 56 days of juice fasting videos by the time I've finished. But then I'm also going to start transitioning. I think it is important for me. It's accountability for me. I know now I have got many hundreds of subscribers following me, and I thank you all for your comments every day. You are keeping me going, and you are keeping me 'honest' to a degree. Because I have got to stay true. I think if I didn't produce a video every day there would be a lot of people going: "Tim, where are you? Have you gone off the fast?" I'm feeling, not, I wouldn't say it is pressure. But I want to keep going, and part of that is for you guys.

So thank you very much for that. And keep those subscriptions coming. If you're looking at this, please subscribe, because it helps. It helps me to know that I am making an impact with other people.

And eventually I want to build up, we've got hundreds of videos of me going through this whole journey, so that somewhere that is where I was, and didn't know what juice fasting was, they can look at these videos and see a complete journey from A to Z, in chronological order, of what they need to do to get to their goal weight.

Because frankly, to date, it has been easy! OK, the first, minus the first week or so, it was pretty hard. And if you look back at my early YouTube videos you'll see that, well, I don't look too good in them, let's face it. I look quite bad. So the first week was hard, but after that, relatively speaking, other than a few odd moments here and there, of thinking that "why am I on this juice fast" and "I want to get back to what I was doing", fleeting moments, other than that, it has been easy. And that was my dream. That was my goal. That was something I always wanted to do, was to lose weight. And here I am! I am now nearly 20 kilograms lighter, in just 47 days. Over 43 pounds I have lost in just 47 days.

So, that's an easy diet in anyone's book. And I have talked yesterday I think about my blood pressure, and how that has gone down now, which is fantastic. And next week I am going to give the results on what the blood test results was, because I am sure they will come back positive and really, really good, all from what I have done with the juice fasting.

So it has been a wonderful journey and it has really changed me. And I am looking forward to giving more back to YouTube by pumping out these videos.

So, stay with me, and if you have got any other questions, about anything that I have faced along the way, and even things like transitioning, because that is something I am now starting to research now, because I want to be prepared. I talked about this in earlier videos that it is very important not to wait until the end of the juice fast before you start thinking "What am I going to do?" You need a transition plan.

And I am going to be talking to you about that. I am going to be telling you what my plan is, so that if you are in a similar situation and you are going to come off juice fasting, I am going to have done the hard work for you.

Alright, I will leave it there for now. Day 47 is over. Check! A-OK!

And I will be back tomorrow with my day 48 update.

Can't believe it! Only 9 days to go.

Thanks for watching guys. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Juicing For Weight Loss video here if you wish.

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