
Friday 26 August 2011

Day 46 - Time For Drinking More Vegetable Juice

Hi Tim here with my Day 46 update.

Back in familiar territory again, back home. For all those people who wrote in and said, was I homeless? because I was filming next to a highway, thank you very much! I know you were just kidding!

Yeah, I decided to film it back home today. I lost 0.1 kg, which is only a 1/4 of a pound. But still, it is some weight loss. So that brings to a total of 19.3 kg the amountn of weight that I have lost since starting this. And that is about 42.5 pounds I believe.

So my current weight is 92.2 kg, which is about 203 1/4 pounds.

So yes, feeling good.

I had some good news yesterday. I decided to go back to my doctor and get my vitals checked again. And I do recommend you do this. It is actually a great idea to do this before you start, and also towards the end of your juice fast, just to compare the difference.

Now when I went in there I didn't get my blood pressure checked, but I do know in the past my blood pressure has been high, certainly higher than it should be. It has been up around 140 or thereabouts. I don't what the other number is - 140 over whatever.

But anyway I went back to my doctor yesterday and asked him to do a blood test. I had to do a fast for that, a true fast, no eating / drinking nothing overnight. And I have just got that done actually. I have got the war wound on my arm from the blood test. The results of that will come back in next probably, in two working days. So probably Tuesday Australian time I will be able to tell you how the bloods results went. But I can tell you with my blood test before I started the juice fast the cholesterol level was high, the sugar level was getting to the stage of being high, pretty well at the maximum scale of normal, and speaking to other nurses and so forth around there, the doctors are pretty conservative. They give a wide range. So the fact that if you are getting towards the edge of normal it is really getting to be a cause of concern.

And I am expecting, predicting that they will have gone down since the start of my fast. But we will wait and see.

Blood pressure I can tell you, 110 / 80, when I tested it yesterday (I didn't test it, the doctor did). And I asked him what is that like, and he said "Perfect". His words were: "Absolutely perfect". And I have never ever had my doctor tell me that my blood pressure has been perfect. He actually said I have got the blood pressure of a 20 to 30 year old male in full health. So I felt pretty fantastic hearing that news. That's just from juice fasting.

The other thing I wanted to make a point of. I talked a little bit about it on my Day One video. I had some problems downstairs, you know, hemorrhoids and so forth were starting to become a problem. That has been completely cleared up now. I haven't had any problems with hemorrhoids.

And the other thing is my asthma. You probably noticed on Day One and probably the first few weeks I was very nasally and so forth. I used to cough quite a bit. That has all cleared up. I am not taking any asthma medication whatsoever, and haven't for quite some time.

So this is all a result of juice fasting and good juice fasting recipes. So I am looking forward to my blood test to see what they come back at. But I am predicting they are going to come back a lot better than before. So he has done a full range, and my doctor said he would give me the old printout and the new one and I will be able to compare those. And I will do a video to compare the differences.

But what this is trying to do by this is to show you guys how a natural juice fast can change your life. It can heal you. Your body can heal you. I mean, look at my blood pressure. I am the first person who can be a cynic with some of this some times. But the fact is my blood pressure is at the stage where I am at the level of a healthy 20 to 30 year old male. And I am 47. Just from juice fasting. And again, this is Day 46.

So I am sure you will be getting great results. Not necessarily from doing a fast, or you can do a fast for a shorter period of time. Or you can be looking at the Joel Fuhrmann stuff on eating healthy, fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, etc. So, there are lots of ways forward, and it's so exciting.

Not only have I lost all that weight - and it's such a lot of weight. I mean, can you picture 42.5 pounds (if you are in America)? Or 19.3 kgs. How much extra weight that is on your body, and the load and pressure it is putting on all your vitals. So I am looking forward to getting those blood tests. And I'll keep you posted on that next week.

But yes, ten days to go! Tomorrow is going to be a good day for me because I am going to be in single figure countdown to Day Zero of when I will actually finish my juice fast and when I actually go on to bigger and better things hopefully.

The other thing I was thinking about today and I have actually had this in the back of my mind the last few days, but haven't actually acted on it, was: I think I'm drinking too much juice and vegetable juice! What I have been doing is drinking around about 500, 550ml, three times a day. And to be honest, the last 200 or so, my stomach has got quite full. And for some reason, now this is quite strange: I've pushed through that and drunk it anyway.

So I thought after today's weigh-in, where I only lost 0.1 kg, the last three or four days my weight has only been 0.1 or 0.2, which is still decent in any other scenario. But I guess I am getting spoilt, getting used to half a kilo or up to a kilo some days, losing a pound a day, or over a pound a day.

So it got me thinking, why am I trying to drink so much juice? Even if they have so much juicing benefits. So I am going to cut it back.

Now, I am not trying to cut it back to put my body into starvation mode or anything like that. What I am going to do is stop drinking when I am full. Now I did that this morning and it was about 250, maybe 300, 350 ml. I didn't measure it because it is just a cup that I have got it in. I know the cup, when full, is about 550. Anyway. It was a bit over a half full.

When I stopped at a half, I left it for a minute or so, and I was full. So at that point I decided I'm not going to drink anymore. So I am going to do that now for the two meals today. I'm going to drink less: Just to the point where I am thinking that's enough. I'm done, I'm feeling full. And we'll see how that affects my weight loss tomorrow.

Because a couple of scenarios would be the fact that I am drinking too much and it's more than my body needs, and consequently that's why I'm not losing that much weight. Number two I'm wondering also because I'm getting close to my goal weight, I'm wondering now whether it's at the stage now where I am losing less per day because I have got obviously less weight to lose.

Speaking to my doctor actually and he suggests a BMI of 25. Body Mass Index of 25. Now, currently my body mass index is about 29, just under 29. So I have still got a ways to go.

According to him I should be around 80 kilograms. I'll just look that up now to see what that is in pounds. 80 kilos is my goal weight. That's 176 pounds. That was my original weight loss goal: to get to 176 pounds, which is 80 kilos. Which is only just over 12 kilos a way, so that is very manageable. That's only 25 or 26 or 27 pounds away.

So I will see how I go. I did say about 2 weeks ago when I got to 85 kilos (and that again, I'll just use my Google calculator, 85 kilos is about 188 pounds). At that mark, 85 kilos, 188 pounds, I may actually stop. I may decide that's where I am going to stop in terms of weight loss. I am not sure. See how I feel.

At the moment I feel my body is feeling pretty good overall. I have still got a bit of a gut. But certainly it feels fantastic looking at it compared to what it was. And the fact is my clothes sizes have gone down by so much. I am fitting into clothes I would never have fit into in a million years.

So I am feeling pretty good. But if I did get down to 80 kilos, that would be just unbelievable! But you know what? It's now a reality. I can see that it is going to happen. And it is all because of this juice fast. So I am feeling pretty fantastic about it.

And the only other thing I'll add now before closing, was I got a bit emotional actually when my doctor said my blood pressure was perfect. He actually looked away and I got a bit teary. I welled up a bit, and I thought, Oh, my God, I have just changed my life. I have changed my life here, just from a juice fast. All my adult fast I have been struggling to find a way to lose weight, and along comes this insidious, you know, a little minor little thing like a juice fast, just drinking the juice of fruits and vegetables, and it is healing me, it's healing my body.

It has fixed my blood pressure already and I am pretty confident it is going to fix my cholesteral and my sugar levels are going to be back to where they should be. And all the other vital functions in my body are going to be repaired.

Oh, the other thing I want to mention to is when I was 16 I had a car crash, when I just got my license. I crashed into a stobey pole. A telegraph pole. The poles on the street that carry the wire, for those of you that don't know those Australian slang. We call them stobeys over here in South Australia.

Anyway one leg is slightly shorter than the other. My right leg is shorter. Because the doctors I think stuffed up a little bit trying to fix the broken leg that I suffered in that crash.

Anyway it has always caused me a bit of grief with walking. I have noticed now that that is a lot better. Now that is only something that has just crept up on me. I haven't been paying too much attention to it. But look, I walked for an hour and a half today. I walked around 8.5 kilometers, and that is, if you trust the little Google conversion app, that is just under 5 miles. I walked that today in about an hour and a half. I wasn't particularly trying to walk fast. I certainly have walked faster than that in the past. But my knee held up quite well, and I am not getting any aches and pains from it. What else has changed? Nothing else has changed in my life. No medications. So it has to be the juice fast!

Probably the juice fast and the fact that I haven't got so much weight pushing down on the sore knee, trying to heal itself obviously. And prop me up with all this extra weight. Again, juice fasting has done all of this.

So, the only other thing I'd like to say is I have got a number of staff in our online business. I am actually in business partnership with my brother. And two of the staff members actually helped me put these videos up. Sometimes I don't get the time to spend, so I normally do the videos and I just get them to upload it, and you know, setting it all up and so forth. And they have both now decided to change their eating and change their life as a result of seeing what I am getting from the juice fast.

Now I think that is a fantastic thing. That other people are getting motivated, and getting pumped to want to do something to help themselves as well. So there you go. That goes to show that by - I started out this journey wanting to help myself, knowing that I needed to help myself. I felt I was going to die, going the way I was going. I literally was in bed some nights thinking, I'm going to die, before my time!

And now I'm thinking I'm going to live to 100+ now, I am going to live fantastically healthy, stress free, pain, injury free, sickness free type life, all because of this juice fast and also because of good juice recipes.

So, anyway. I just wanted to put all that out there today, to let you know how I am feeling. Probably waffling on a little bit, but look, I am just so pumped up by the way things are going. And just love my new body, the way it is going, you know, the weight going down. And I will talk more about that tomorrow for Day 47.

So I will catch you then!

Cheers for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Vegetable Juice video here if you wish.

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