
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Day 22 - Liquid Diet Recipe Tips - What I Use

Hi, Tim here with my Day 22 juice fasting update.

Things are still going quite well, I lost another 0.4 kilograms, same as yesterday, which is nearly 1 pound. Overall I have now lost 11 kg, which is about 24.25 pounds so far.

So, feeling good. Today marks the third week, so I have actually completed now three complete weeks, 21 days of the juice fast. And I am still feeling fantastic, I have to say. The energy levels are still rising, I am feeling in control, I am not suffering from addictions or anything of that nature anymore, you know, I am not thinking I need to eat bad foods, and I am getting quite used to it. And I am gradually adding more vegetables. That's really the key that I'm finding now to this weight loss. It's getting a bit more stable, the amount I'm losing every day. I am adding vegetables, adding them to all my juices now, certainly more in the lunch –

... [ the phone rings ] ...

And don't you don't just love that, in the middle of a recording, phone goes off. So sorry about that interruption but rather than start again, I've decided to continue on.

What I am finding is that the best detox juices are probably vegetable based. Celery really seems to be quite good. It's a great way to help you lose weight and of course is quite minimal on calories as well. Not that I suggest that you really need to be worrying too much about calories but I think calories in my opinion is more of a problem or more something to worry about if you're eating "normal food". Because we're just eating fruit and vegetables, fresh, drinking the juice of that, I should say, it is very, very healthy. I think the calorie issue just goes away, unless you start trying to use 20 apples and then maybe you've got a problem. You're having too much juice, and potentially the calories might be an issue there.

Overall I am thinking that celery is quite good, spinach is quite good, but also for the fruit side grapefruit is also quite good for you, lemon, and lime. So I am trying to incorporate grapefruit, lemon, and lime, salary, and spinach, as well as carrot, in pretty well almost all my drinks. And I am finding that is helping me a lot.

The other thing I might want to point out, to people out there which, I read in the comments, have been having issues with taste, let me say particularly once you get through this process and have been on this process for maybe a week or so forth, I am finding that the taste is irrelevant. Sometimes I have a taste, and at first taste I think, well, it doesn't taste that nice. But then all subsequent tastes seem to be okay. So if you're trying to do that, thinking it is horrible, only having a sip, and then throwing it away, don't do that. Give yourself time to have two or three sips, and in my case, and I am assuming that it might be similar for you, it tends to get nicer, and it is not so much of a problem.

So, liquid diet recipe, really, my juice recipes are my staple fruit and vegetables, spinach, celery, grapefruit, lemon, and lime. Now, I am adding some apple. Apple is a sweetener as well, if you want to get rid of a taste that is horrible.

And that really is the main ones that I am using. Sometimes I am using pear. In the morning I will often put in four strawberries. They have got good, well they are very healthy for you as well, basically. But too many of those are obviously quite high in sugar so I only ever have some in the morning. I don't want to go overboard on those.

But they are really the staples that I'm using. I haven't really got into beets yet. I think I mentioned - well, I did mention the other day that I went to the Boost juice bar and I got beets in theirs (beetroot, for you Aussie guys out there, people I should say), and that was quite nice, but I have not actually got to the stage of incorporating that into my regular drinks. That's another thing I'm going to look at doing.

Oh, the other thing I also add is carrot. I do add carrots to many of my drinks, and I find that is quite nice. And the taste – carrot, even though it is a vegetable, is surprisingly sweet. So keep that in mind if you are finding something is too bitter, carrot juice would help sweeten it.

Okay, I think that is about all I wanted to say today. Everything is going on track, and still going well.

For you people who are following my journey, I'm hoping you are getting a lot out of this and believe me, I love your comments. Please keep your comments coming, comments on the video any questions and so forth. If I can help you out and share my experience and help you guys succeed then I'm happier even still, because not only am I helping myself, I am helping other people.

All right, I will see you tomorrow for my day 23 update.

Cheers for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Liquid Diet Recipe here if you wish.

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