
Sunday 31 July 2011

Fat Burning Diet Update For Day 20

Hi, Tim here with my Day 20 update.

My fat burning diet is still going well.

I actually went to a Boost juice bar. I'm not sure whether you have got those over in the US, but in Australia they are pretty big. I think you may have something similar. It is basically a chain juice bar. They make very healthy juice shakes.

Now, they made one for me today and I actually carefully asked what the ingredients were. They actually had one called Two and Five, which was Apple, Oranges, Beetroot, Carrot, and Celery and also some ice. Now, I quite liked that. I had that and that was my lunch juice.

Now, interesting enough it was a juice bar but they had the option for a smoothie. But of course a smoothie isn't a juice fast so I didn't take that. I really am getting used to the juice fasting benefits and don't want to try anything that could possibly be outside the scope of that. They also had something, I wrote it down, a Vita Booster. I asked them not to put that in. So if you are thinking of going to Boost or a juice bar, something of that nature, be sure to tell them not to add the extra, or at least find out what is in it.

I believe that Vita Boost has got your daily essential minerals and so forth, minerals and other healthy things that you actually need, but because you are getting those in their vegetables and fruits, I was reluctant to basically try anything that I didn't know where it had come from: whether it was an all natural thing they're making, whether it was a synthetic thing that has been made by humans as most of our vitamins are... so I decided against it, but it was quite nice.

The point was, if you are stuck somewhere, like I was, in a food bar and I needed to have something, I went and got a Boost juice instead of potentially, even though it would not have happened in my case, potentially risking eating something else.

Now, the other thing I wanted to report is, if you have been following along at home since early in my videos, I told you that I had a Nintendo Wii, and was using a Nintendo Wii Fitness Plus software package. Now the Nintendo Wii is a games console. Essentially it has got a so called balancing board, which doubles as a scale. So every day I use that particular software package. It is virtually like a game almost in some of the exercises. You can do yoga, and it works out how quick you are, how good your balance is and so forth. But weighing is the primary thing that I use that for because I do my exercise outside of the Nintendo. I go outside and go for a walk.

Anyway every day I have been plotting my weight loss. So every day when I have been telling you how much I have lost I have been plotting that with the Nintendo. And one of the things that you can do with it is you can set yourself a goal, and every day it will tell you how close you are to getting your goal of losing weight.

So when I started the juice fast way back 20 days ago, I set myself a challenge for 10 kg to be lost in four weeks. The Wii Fit actually said that is too high, that is too fast. I think it said 1.4 kg every two weeks. Now, 1.4 kg is very roughly, close to 3 pounds. So what the Wii is saying is healthy weight loss is about three pounds per fortnight, or six pounds a month roughly, or 1.4 kg.

Anyway I got to that goal and I filmed the process and I will show you shortly – actually I will show you that now and then come back and talk about it.

(Note: This part of the video is silent because everyone was asleep at the time.)

The Wii shows Tim's BMI history saying: "That's incredible! You've reached your goal earlier than your deadline."

The Wii then says "You were so quick in reaching your goal that I am getting a bit worried about your health. Try to focus on taking care of your health in the long term, instead of pushing yourself too much to reach short-term goals."

Tim clicks through and shows a chart of the dropping weight loss in the last 20 days. The start date was 12 July, when the weight was 111.4 kg, 246 pounds.

Tim then traces the weight down and today the Wii shows that he is 101.2 kg, which is 224 pounds.

The video then returns to Tim speaking...

Interesting wasn't it? Quite interesting how the software package works.

And I was really quite surprised when it said basically "is there something wrong with you? I'm a bit worried about it!"

Hello! I am using the healthiest method pretty well known to man almost, fruit and vegetables, and I have lost a great amount of weight, 10.2 kg and yet the Nintendo Wii is not happy! It's worried that I have lost too much weight! So I thought that was interesting and thought I would share that with you today.

Other than that I haven't got too much else to talk about.

I have done a little bit more research on the lemon cleansing diet, which I have talked about this previous videos. I don't think there is much need for me to go on that because basically I am losing weight and I think I am quite healthy on the juice and vegetables that I am actually taking in.

And also an apple juice recipe. I am still trying to find the best one. As I have talked about before apple really does mix with almost anything. In my experience, it is one of the few things that does. My primary diet now has got these ingredients where I can mix them together: lemon, lime, grapefruit and apple. They are four things that I am trying to do, even though there is a bit of a contrast there with taste. I am thinking that those foods, those fruits rather, the juice is very, very healthy and that is the main reason that I am taking them.

But overall everything is on track, and I look forward to day 21 tomorrow for an update.

Thank you for watching, and I will see you then.


You can watch a high definition version of this Fat Burning Diet Video here if you wish.

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