
Friday 29 July 2011

Detox Diet Plan Update For Day 18

Hello, Tim here with my detox diet plan update!

This is Day 18, and I am still on track, doing quite well. I lost .5 of a kilogram since yesterday, which is about 1.1 pound. So, overall my weight loss is 9.5 kilograms, which is 21 pounds. And that is in 17 days, because today is the start of the 18th day as I am filming this.

I have to say vegetable drinks: I am starting to get into those a lot more now. I am finding that I think I need to do that. I think what has happened is that I have had a bit of a slow down in my weight loss in the last probably two or three days. I think that is caused by having too much fruit and not enough vegetables. So if you are on this juice fast, juice diet, I think you need to have more of a component of vegetables.

So, yes, I have taken the plunge everybody, you will be pleased to know, and I am using celery! I actually used celery this morning in my drink. I am using a lot more spinach. I am using broccoli as well. But this morning I just had spinach and celery with my fruit drink. And I am cutting down on fruits like watermelon and I am actually going more to grapefruit, which I know is really good for you. Also lemon, I am using more lemon, and I am also using lime. So all of those alkalis - the body - and they are actually quite good forou. So I am using more of those.

I am still using apples and pears, but to a lesser degree.

So I think by, what I've done, I actually did that yesterday, I cut down dramatically on the amount of fruit, and I don't think it is a surprise that I lost half a kilo. So it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow. If I lose the same amount of weight, I will know that I am on to something here.

So, I am getting used to the vegetable drink. It's hard to get used to for me because I like the sweetness of the fruit. But I am thinking that it is more important to do that, and obviously if it is going to to help me lose weight, it would be silly of me not to do it.

I have to say that the drink that I had this morning - which was grapefruit, lemon, celery as I said, spinach, and I had a few strawberries in there as well, and I am just trying to think what else was in there as well, apple and pear - was quite nice! And what I am also doing with that, I am also putting some ice in there after I have blended it and drinking it like that, so that it is really cold. And I am finding that is quite nice. And I have to say that the taste was quite good.

So I will keep you up-to-date. If I come up with a vegetable juice recipe that I think really works, I will certainly let you know. I am also using carrot because I am aware that carrot juice benefits are pretty well undisputed and they are a really great source of healthiness for you. So you should be using carrots. I am also using those, but not in my breakfast meal.

So, other than that, I have not got a lot else to report. I am still going well. Weight is still coming off which is making me feel fantastic. I can hardly believe that I have lost 9.5 kg, which is 21 pounds. It is just amazing, and it makes me quite happy, and I am looking forward to losing more.

So this is going to be an interesting test tomorrow to see how much weight I have lost, now that I am focusing more on vegetables. So I look forward to presenting that update to you tomorrow.

Thanks for watching, and I will talk to you then.

See you.

You can watch a high definition version of this Detox Diet Plan Video here if you wish.

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