
Sunday 17 July 2011

Day 6 - Weight Loss Is Getting Serious

Hello everyone, it's Tim again.

And here we are with Day Six of my ongoing juice fast, where I am actually attempting to lose 32 kg - well, basically as quickly as possible but certainly within 56 days. That's right – 56 days!

So, Day Six as I said. I have lost today .7 kg, which is about 1.5 pounds. So I'm pretty happy with that. So my weight is now down to 106.7 kg which is 235 pounds. So overall, after five full days of this (because this is the start of Day Six), I have lost a total of 4.7 kg or 10.3 pounds! So that is just from drinking juice, drinking healthy fruit juice and vegetables. So I am pretty happy with that.

The other thing I want to say today is that I feel very happy. I woke up very happy with feelings of gratitude and happiness and so forth, and feeling very pleased with the world. So interesting enough, I have done nothing else to help stimulate that. This is just coming as a natural result, I think, of going through this process and losing this weight. And I'm just feeling happier and confident and I am feeling quite good. So if that's a side-effect of doing this, it is one that I'm pretty pleased with.

I didn't do any exercise today. I decided against it. It was raining. Anyway, I talked about that in yesterday's video, I said I might have a rest day. I think I'm actually going to exercise probably five days a week and have one or two days off and then have a break with each. So I will probably exercise now for another three days and then have another break and then have a day off, a break, and then come back on for four days. To do it that way I think is going to be the way to do it: to break it up. Three or four days exercise at a time and then a day's rest.

So again I have to say that this is certainly working well. This weight loss is really starting to become serious. 4.7 kg, which is 10.3 pounds, in five days, five full days, is doing, I think, pretty well..

And I am still feeling in control. I've still got the odd feeling where if I see a bit of cake or something - and there tends to be some sweet stuff in this house, which are usually the effects of me being being a bit of a pig out type of person who likes his food, likes his unhealthy food, chocolate and cakes and so forth! So the other members in this household who haven't gone on to this juice fast plan are still eating like that so occasionally I do think it would be nice to try some of that. But again it's a fleeting feeling. And normally a glass of water - I try to drink more and more water now - or just my juices in the normal meal breaks are enough to keep me going.

So I am certainly powering on and I am very pleased with the results. So I am going to continue with it. And why wouldn't I, losing the weight that I have lost? So, over 10 pounds, and I have only needed to lose 70, so I am already one seventh of the way there. After just five days. So if it kept on like that, you know, 6x5 = 30 days I would be there. So whether I can get there in 30 days instead of 56? Stay tuned and watch the videos and see! I am happy to take the weight loss however I can.

Now if I did reach my goal earlier would I continue on? Well I am considering that I probably wouldn't. So if I lost 32 kg before 56 days. I think I would probably stop. And my thoughts are the moment are that I would probably stay on the juice for one or two meals per day. So I would go back to an evening meal and just have a normal evening meal and see how that went. And then if there was a situation where I did eat a few things that perhaps I shouldn't have, you know, go to a party or something and there's those types of foods that I don't normally eat are there and I indulge in a few, I could have just a one-day fast or just go from 1 to 2 juices per day. Something of that nature, to counter that.

Because I think there's something in this because if you're looking to lose only a little bit of weight, and you're looking to do it over a longer period of time, you could probably do that by reducing the juice fast to one or two per day instead of three. You could still live a lifestyle of having other types of foods, if this is too hard, and just have one or two juices. Which is certainly going be better than what you would normally eat during those times.

But with that said, I'm going to continue with this at this stage. I've got no plans in the short term to stop doing this. I want to keep at it, especially given the way that this weight loss is still kicking in every day. It is very, very inspiring to me personally to continue. Because I have just tried so many things in the past. But every single day that I have been on this plan so far I have lost weight. Every single day! So I am looking forward to that continuing, every single day, and getting to my goal ASAP.

I had a couple of things. I talked to you previously about lemon juice benefits, so I'm not going to get into that again, but I want to talk about different types of things that I find each day - things that I find that I think could be helpful for you.

Now just in relation to lemon. I know that there is a lemon cleanse diet, you know, that cleansing diet that is supposed to clear you out and detoxify you. I don't know if you need to go on one of those. If you are doing the juice fast you probably are going to be getting similar results. Especially if you are drinking at least some lemon anyway. Because this is one of the advantages of this process, is that it is actually detoxifying the body as well as giving you all the nutrients and so forth that you need. So if you were looking at a lemon cleansing diet, those sorts of diets that are pretty hot at the moment (and I don't like the word diet anyway, I might add), consider that. Because you might be killing two birds with one stone, if you're having enough lemon, to do what we are doing here at the same time.

The other thing I read up about is wheatgrass benefits. Now wheatgrass is - I think it's classified as a grass literally, and it's really, really good for you. It gives you lots of dark greens, and it's a replacement if you will. It's a replacement for lots of vegetables. And in actual fact, just reading here off the page, wheatgrass is more than twenty times more dense in its nutrients than many other choice vegetables, which is quite interesting.

I've got a problem with wheatgrass, in that it tastes terrible! I just don't like the taste of it, but that's something that I might look at doing. I might look at supplementing that and putting some of this wheatgrass in my other drinks. At this stage I'm trying to just use spinach, broccoli and those types of thingB in my for my greens. Bbut that's another way of doing it. It has chlorophyll if I have that right. And this is what is actually in wheatgrass, among other things, and that draws toxins from the body. So it's very high in oxygen and light energy. So it's very good for antibacterial purposes as well, it's got very good antibacterial properties.

So keep that in mind with wheatgrass. But yeah, even though there are lots of wheatgrass benefits I don't think I'm going to be looking at that at this stage. I'm going to see how I go. Because as I said, I've had that in the past (not recently), and I just do not like the taste.

The other thing that I have come across which I thought was a bit bizarre was coconut oil weight loss. Now there is lots of information out there on people swearing that this is a fantastic property to help you lose weight.

What I found interesting in my research was that coconut oil is very high fat. One tablespoon of coconut oil is 170 calories, or just under 14 g of fat. Interestingly enough, though it is actually classified as good fat. Because there are good fats and bad fats. You know, there are trans-fats, for example, you find in fried foods and so forth, and they are very bad for you.

But on the other hand you can get things like omega 3 which is good fat. So don't just look at fat and say, Oh know, I'm not going to eat it. It's the type of fat that matters.

So I think that what my point is with coconut oil weight loss. Going through that. It is good fat in the sense that it helps you boost your metabolism and gives you energy and makes you feel full which is obviously a good thing. And even the fat that you're putting in there, your body does burn that very quickly.

So I am going to try and talk more about that in future video. Because in this industry, this weight loss industry, there is so much misinformation. I just notice for example on the shelf: lots of food labelled low-fat. And you automatically think low-fat is good, but often it's got high sugar!

And that's just incredible to me that that is the situation. So low-fat does not necessarily mean that it is good for you. You really need to look at that in combination: look at the sugar, the types of fat that's in there, before making a decision.

And if you do look at that you'll find if you look at fat content but also the amount of sugar as I said... And sugar again - that comes in lots of different names. I'll try doing that in a future video, and go through the different names.

Sometimes it's just listed as carbohydrates, sometimes it's actually got sugar. Fructose is another one. Fructose is normally the bad one actually. Even though it appears in fruit naturally, that seems to be okay because the fructose for example in an apple is quite low compared to the overall apple, and of course there are other benefits to an apple.

But when you see high levels of fructose in things like chocolate bars and so forth, that actually is quite unhealthy for you. So again, my point is that you are looking at starting to read labels, and this is a process that I've learned over a long period of time, even though I haven't been applying it, because I'm still overweight, but I'm starting to do that. Not so much now but I was starting to do this more in the past, trying to become educated. And I guess part of this process of education has got me to this point now where I have decided to lose weight.

And researching, I'm just finding that it is very sneaky how much some manufacturers will push the fact that even if there is low sugar, they might have a high concentration of bad fat for you.

So you really need to be reading those labels, and looking at the fat content, but also the sugar content.

Okay I think I'm rambling on a little bit now.

But again feeling quite good about today, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's Day Seven update.

So I will leave it there for now.


You can watch a high definition version of this Weight Loss Video here if you wish.

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