
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day 2 - Juice Fasting Benefits Are Starting To Show

Hello, Tim here.

Day 2 of my Juice Fasting Plan. My goal, if you recall, if you watched yesterday's video, is to lose 32 kilos, which is 70 pounds, in 56 days.

56 days, basically 8 weeks.

So this is Day 2. So I started my juice diet yesterday, where my diet is comprised of drinking juice only. Now we're not talking about the juice you buy from a supermarket or grocer. We're talking about fresh juice. So I bought a blender, and I am actually blending fruit and vegetables. Good healthy fruit and vegetables. And I'm drinking it immediately for a maximum nutritional value.

So, I guess the first thing is, given that it is Day 2, and I weighed myself yesterday, how have I gone? Have I gained weight, or I have I lost weight?

Drum roll? Maybe not. But the fact is I have lost 1.6 KG - about 3.5 pounds. So I am basically on track at this stage. I am quite happy with that.

I will say it was quite hard yesterday. Towards the afternoon headaches started coming. I've actually still got a headache now actually. Obviously it's a detox type headache. I'm still feeling the ill effects of that. I'm feeling better now, but still feeling very groggy and light headed and tired. I just want to go off and sleep. The research I've done, when you're doing these juice fasts, sometimes it can be a good idea to do that. Don't try and do too much work or anything like that. Just relax and get through it.

So I'm trying to do this all naturally without taking panadeine or any aspirin or anything like that to help the headaches. I want it to be as natural as possible.

So, for more information. With 55 days to go, on average, I need to lose around about .6 of a kilogram per day. So that's about 1.25 pounds per day. If I do that, then by the end of the 56th day, which is the 6 September 2011... coincidentally my stepson's birthday, which was a complete fluke. There'll be some celebration that day, let me tell you, when I hit 80 kilograms!

But anyway, my goal overall is to lose 70 pounds in that period of time, which is 32 kilos. So we're on track. I'm going to keep at it. And a couple of things that I have learnt, if you're following along at home.

Lemon is very overpowering!

Now I'm using lemon in my juice whereever possible. It's very good at masking some of the other tastes. (It's good for detox as well!). So if you're not into vegetables, like me, I was never a vegetables person, lemon can be really good at hiding some of those tastes that you perhaps don't want to be tasting. But if you put too much lemon in it's very overpowering. So that's the lesson for me here, is not to put so much lemon in.

And, I am trying to focus on different types of vegetables. I talked about some yesterday. Just staple ones, celery, cabbage, things of that nature. But also things like carrots. But also some fruits as well. Apples, oranges. Quite a good range is what I'm trying to say. I'm trying not to have too much in the way of fruits. Because fruit is obviously sweeter, and probably nicer if you've got a sweet taste. If you're overweight chances are a sweet addiction is the reason why you're overweight, eating chocolate and the like. So I've tended to gravitate towards fruit, but I'm trying to make sure I'm having a good balance of vegetables as well.

A good balance of fruit and veg is desirable.

And as I said if you put something like lemon in it does really mask the taste. But not too much! So, getting the right measurement is going to be the key here. So I'm going to keep battling on.

Now if you're sitting there thinking, look, there's no way I could do this, let me assure you. I, up until recently, never thought I could do this either. I never thought I would be able to do juice for a meal! For one meal, to go without a full meal, a full meat and potatoes type meal. Let alone doing it three meals a day, and now four, because I'm on Day 2, so I've done four meal periods if you like where I've just had fruit and vegetable as a drink.

And it's really the mind saying: "OK, there's a drink to get started with... where's the main course?" So you need to work through that. Just really be thinking that, no, this is it. And the thing is that if I have that drink, I am feeling reasonably full after it.

I'm having about 500 mls, which is between 16 and 18 oz. And I'm finding that works OK for me. I had 3 yesterday, and I also had a supplementary one, mid afternoon. Because that's my normal craving period when I was eating badly. I wasn't finding I was generally hungry until about lunch time. But afternoon, mid afternoon, towards evening, that would be my period of time where I would be pigging out and eating the wrong things. So I'm conscious of that and I've topped it up with an extra drink, about 250 mls, around about 3pm in the afternoon. And that kept me going until the evening, dinner time. And I had a regular 500 ml of drink. And I was OK.

And I am trying to drink plenty of water during the day as well.

So, all in all it's going well.

Now, I wanted to do a couple of things today.

I wanted to talk to you first about this book: Juice Fasting & Detoxification, by Steve Meyerowitz, if I have got the name correctly. That's actually quite a good book. It's not a huge read. It's only 150 odd pages. I suggest if you're thinking of getting into this, into juice fasting, that you have a look at that book.

It talks about the reasons obviously of what juice is actually doing for you. Because it is going through a detoxification process in your body. So that's one of the effects I'm getting. Not only am I losing weight but I am detoxifying, get rid of all this crap in my body.

And that is one of the main drawcards of course of the juice diet. And that for me is why I actually started with it.

I suggest you grab that. I'm going to put a link in the notes on my latest video, to Amazon. Or you can go and have a look at the book for yourself. I think it's a good book because it goes through the basics of what they are. And the fact that this has been around for thousands of years. This is not something that I have come up with. It's something people have been doing, you know, fasting in general for thousands of years, and in particular, juice fasting.

Some great information in there. There's also some great recipes. Because obviously finding good juice fast recipes seems to be the key, already to me. For example, finding a vegetable juice recipe: it seems to be quite hard to find one that is to my taste. So, some good stuff in there. And I'm going through trying this, and over the course of this 56 days I will be talking to you about the various ones that I have tried, and how successful I have been.

So look, the juice fasting benefits are many. There's really something in it. It's already doing me a world of good, even though I'm not feeling too good with this headache. I know that that is just a matter of time before that really clears out and I'm going to really start powering through this.

But of course, I'm already losing weight. I've already lost that 3.5 pounds, 1.6 kilograms in the first day! I've never done that. I've never lost that amount of weight in the first day. No matter what. No matter how many diets I've tried in the past I've never done that.

So, we'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward already to weighing in tomorrow to see how much I've lost. And we'll keep tracking that each day on this screen, on this video. I'll put those stats on the page so you'll be able to see those.

One other thing I want to talk about briefly before I end up is Wii Fit Plus. Now Wii Fit for those of you that don't know at home, is a great little program that enables you to do lots of things, but I'm using it primarily to monitor my weight loss. Now the thing that I like about Wii Fit is that it's a balancing board, and I'll put a link to Amazon where you can go and have a look yourself.

But you need to buy a little board which you stand on, and it actually connects to a Wii, which is a computer gaming console, a very inexpensive one. And you stand on it, and it measures your weight. And each day it chronicles your weight loss journey. So I have reset that, and started that yesterday. So each day it's going to tell me how much I've lost. And overall I can go back and see how much I've lost historically, which of course is will be good.

Now the other thing I wanted to point out though is with the Wii Fit Plus you can set up a plan. You can say I want to lose this much weight over a period of time. So say for example 2 kilograms I want to lose in 4 weeks. Now the Wii Fit will actually keep track of that and tell you whether you have reached your goal or not.

I want to meet that goal! I want to pass that goal!

Because I have done this before, and I've never actually managed to succeed in passing the goal. I've got close! For example I set it up and got to 60% or 70% of the actual goal. And it actually says, look, sorry, time has run out. You weren't able to reach your goal, do you want me to create a new one? And then you can create a new one.

This time I have set myself a very ambitious goal: 10 kilograms in the first four weeks, the first month. When I say ambitious, that's very ambitious for what's happened to me in the past. So already I've got 8.4 kilograms to go. I've already lost 3.5 pounds, so I'm on track to beat that. And I want to see actually what happens when I get to beating my goal! When I get to that 10 kg of losing weight, within 4 weeks. So I'm hanging out for that. So I'm going to let you know every day how I go with that, and if I actually see the screenshots, if I make it on that day, I'm going to take a recording and show you!

The other thing that Wii Fit is really good at is just for balancing exercises and low impact exercises. Look it's even got yoga. Check it out on the Amazon website. I think it's fantastic. It's a very under utilised and under promoted device. So at this stage because I'm doing my daily walking I'm not going to be using it that much for the exercise side of things.

For the record today I walked for 43.5 minutes, 3.32km, 2.06 miles.

But I'm certainly going to be using the Wii for weight loss tracking and I'm going to keep you involved and up to date with that.

OK, so that's my rant over for the day. Well, it wasn't really a rant was it. It was a bit boring probably, but I'm going to keep going. The thing is I'm on Day 2 now, and I am powering on, and there is no way I'm not going to continue. I'm going to keep pushing forward. I'm going to get to Day 56 before I know it.

Again, my goal is to be 80 kilos, which is 176 pounds, by September 6, which for me when I'm filming this, is 55 days away.

OK, I will talk to you all tomorrow!

Take it easy, cheers.

You can watch a high definition version of this Juice Fasting Benefits video here if you wish.

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