
Sunday 24 July 2011

Day 13 - Healthiest Drinks Known To Man Are....

Hello everyone.

Here it is! Day 13. Tim again with my daily update. Yes, I have been doing this now for 13 days. 13 updates. So I have actually been 12 days on this juice fast and I am still doing well.

Overnight I lost .7 of a kilogram, which is 1.5 pounds. And that brings me to a total of 8 kg (17.6 pounds) total weight that I have lost since starting this.

What is really exciting for me is that in just those 12 days I am now 25% exactly towards my goal I set myself: a goal of 32 kg to lose in 56 days. And here we are on day 12, at the start of day 13, and I have already lost 8 kg. So I am basically already 25% of the way there. So needless to say I am very excited and happy the way things are progressing.

I haven't got a lot to report other than that I am feeling a little bit shaky today because yesterday I actually helped a lady friend of ours move one of Louise's – well, Louise's best friend actually, and that was quite a long day. So we actually hired a truck and went up there and I filled the truck up. And I obviously had to drive it to her new house and then empty it. So it was quite a long day!

Interesting enough it was the first day without being at home. So I had to take some juice with me, but I survived that day quite well, there weren't any real incidents there. There weren't any thoughts that I wanted to go off track or anything like that which is great. I felt really fantastic about that. And obviously to come off with a .7 kg of weight loss for that day was fantastic as well.

Tonight actually in about five hours from now we are going up to Louise's brother's and sister in-law's place, because it is their daughter's 18th and there is going to be a huge food – well, it's the first real family get together since I started this juice fast.

And the vast majority, pretty well all of them other than Louise's mother, aren't aware that I am doing this juice fast so that is going to be interesting as to how I go with that tonight.

There's going to be plenty of food, lots of laughter and so forth. So I will have to take my juice, which I am planning to already, juice and plenty of water, and get through that. The reality is when you are doing this type of juice fast that you do need to at some point socialize. You can't really lock yourself away the 70 days or 60 days or however long you are doing it for. Well I guess you could but I would rather, thinking about it now, I would rather, now that I have actually got some results, on the board. I am all confident that I will be able to do this.

I think if I had have done this on the first day that I was starting I would have been a bit reluctant. Because there might have been people saying, What are you doing that for? Don't worry about it! or, Just have one of these, or, you know, not realizing that they're not really being supportive. Because I guess people don't really understand what juice fast is, the feeling that you go through, and obviously at the early stages of this how hard it is. But now that I am feeling much more in control I don't think there's going to be any way that I will break the fast, no matter what is presented to me. Even if somebody puts pavlova, which is one of my favorites, right under my face and says, Here, have some, I don't think I'm going to be tempted.

That's how I'm feeling at this stage but I will certainly report to you and tell you how I went tomorrow. At this stage I'm looking forward to it.

Let's face it. Juice is really the healthiest drinks that you can get, aren't they. Juice and vegetable juice. They are so healthy for you. what I am looking for is an easy way of juicing celery. When I say an easy way I mean a way that actually tastes nice. Because I haven't been able to find that at this stage. And I haven't been using celery. I have been doing a bit of research and celery seems to be quite good for you, but at this stage I'm not really there.

Now apple juice recipes? No problem, because apple seems to mix in with a lot of things. But celery to me anyway has got such an overpowering taste. And from what I have heard people either love or hate celery. So if you have got a good recipe for celery, please let me know. I am open to trying it again.

All right, I'm going to leave it there for now.

I will see you tomorrow on day 14.

Cheers for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Healthiest Drinks Video here if you wish.

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