
Sunday 4 September 2011

Day 55 - Juice Diets Are Truly Effective!

Good morning, good evening, and goodnight! as Jim Carrey would say.

Tim here with my Juice Fasting progress report update for Day 55.

Only one more day to go after my juice diets today. So tomorrow is going to be my last liquid diet weight loss, juice diet weight loss day and juice fasting. Looking forward to that actually! I am starting to think obviously I have been doing this for quite a number of days now, transitioning. Fruit and green smoothies is probably going to be what I am starting with. That will be on Tuesday, because it is Sunday over here in Australia.

It is actually Father's Day today. So I am going to take it quite easy today. I'm not going to do a lot. I have a couple of adult children, and Louise has got a couple of younger children who are nearly adult (17 and 15). So I hope to catch up with all of those today.

In terms of weight loss, I lost 0.2 kilograms which is around half a pound. My total weight loss now is 22.7 kilograms, which is pretty well exactly 50 pounds now since I started the juice fast 55 days ago.

My current weight now is 88.7 kilograms, which is around 195 pounds. So everything is on track. Now I have got less than 20 pounds to lose. Looking quite good.

Not a lot else to report, as I said. Still feeling the same. Not feeling hungry.

In the last three or four days I have gone without a breakfast juice, because I haven't felt I needed it. Today I felt a little bit hungry, so I felt I would have it. And I had a nice juice. Basically, yeah, everything is going well. I am feeling happy, feeling excited.

The other thing I am starting now is to really think about what do I want to do? Because I am finding that I am quite bored in the regular activities. And I think I may have talked about - well, regular day-to-day activities I should say, that I normally do. And what I used to do, looking back now at when I was eating badly, was I used to - eating was actually a pastime for me. It wasn't just something to fulfil hunger. It was something to relieve boredom. So I would go into the fridge, typically at 3 - 4 in the afternoon, and find something to eat, and sit down and maybe watch a bit of TV. So the association was with food and with TV. And then obviously in the evening as well. So what I am finding now is I'm needing to find some sort of passion, or something else to do, in those times.

So I am actually thinking of taking up martial arts. That's my latest thing. For a couple of reasons. Firstly for a bit of self defence. But secondly to fulfil a bit of interest in terms of doing something outside of what a lot of people wouldn't do. Because I certainly haven't done martial arts before. And a third thing that will help is the fitness side of things.

So I am looking at that, trying to pick out a couple of martial arts. Pick out one that is going to be suitable for me. So I am looking quite carefully at that. But yeah, everything else is fine. So I am not going to waffle on too much longer, other than to say, have a good day! For any of you fathers out there, Happy Fathers' Day, today or tomorrow, depending on where you are in this part of the world. Because I believe it is tomorrow over in the US. Certainly over here anyway. And I will be talking to you tomorrow for my last juice fasting update, Day 56 tomorrow.

But bear in mind that after that I am still going to be talking about the transitioning and still doing videos about that. So it is not as if I'm stopping videos, or anything like that. So do stay tuned and keep subscribing. I love those subscribers signing up. And we'll talk more tomorrow.

Or, I will, anyway!

Cheers for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Juice Diets here if you wish.

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