
Saturday 23 July 2011

Day 12 - Vegetables For Weight Loss FTW !

Hello everyone!

Tim here, with my Day 12 update. Yes, I have been going for the last 11 days on a juice only diet using vegetables for weight loss, as well as fruit juice as well. This is all fresh obviously. And I am still on track.

I have lost .3 kg overnight, which is about a bit over half a pound (.66 of the pound), bringing my total weight loss over the last 11 full days – again, this is the start of Day 12 – to 7.3 kg, which is about 16 pounds, just slightly over 16 pounds. So, doing quite well.

Not a lot to report today. Still feeling good, and as good as I felt yesterday. I am actually – my mind is somewhere else today because I have to go off and help someone move.

It is interesting because this person who is a friend of ours has just ended the relationship and she needs some help moving out of an existing house to a new one. And it just got me thinking of something ending and something starting.

And I realized that my stage of life in terms of ending my junk food addiction is ending, finally! After so many years! After 30 adult years of being overweight I am finally getting rid of that and moving to a healthy lifestyle. So for me this is a new start. So this just got me thinking that, much as this lady today that we're moving, that she is ending something and starting something and I am doing exactly the same. And I guess anyone that is on this sort of transition, juicing diets in general, you are really looking to detox your body and get rid of what's old and bring in something new. So I am pretty happy with the way things are going so far.

The other thing is, is that it is the first day that I am actually going to be away from home. Because prior to this, I have been home every day because I am lucky enough to have a business that allows me to work from home and I haven't needed to be out at meal time. So now this is the first time. I have done a little juice in a plastic bottle which I will be taking with me and we will see how we go with that. So it will be an interesting experience and I will let you know how I get on because no doubt there will be a pit stop somewhere to take in refreshments and so forth. And I will just have my little bottle for lunch so we will see how we go.

But overall feeling good feeling settled and balanced. I am looking at trying to get a little bit more energy. I am really feeling quite energetic but I really wanted to find some more juicing recipes for energy. I really want some way to help me really get a massive amount of energy. So I am going to start spending a bit of time on that to see what I can find. Obviously, juicing apples is a good thing. Apples I have used in every one of my drinks. Apples is a very good thing because it's sweet enough to really dull the taste of strong vegetables, and I don't really like that taste so it has been quite good.

Anyway I'm going to leave it there for now. There's not really a lot else to report. I am on track and doing well. My fruit fast detox diet is actually working well and I am looking forward to the results tomorrow to see how I get on.

Only .3 every kilogram lost today but I am quite happy to take that. People have said in the comments, anyway, people who have done this diet before, that it is not unheard of for the weight to actually go down a little bit around this time and to pick up again a little bit later. And that is because the liver is spending a lot of time detoxifying basically all the stuff you've been putting in there years and years. And when it actually clears all that out, it can really get to work and help you remove fat. So I am looking forward to the weight loss increasing and I will keep you updated.

Thanks for watching. Talk to you tomorrow.

Cheers for now.

You can watch a high definition version of this Vegetables For Weight Loss Video here if you wish.

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